Ponderosa on the Road’ brings together international artists from the expanded Pondi family in a unique situation that aims to share pOnderosa’s creative, inclusive and communal spirit with the Israeli cultural field. This visit will allow us (POTR) to spend time asking questions, learning, working, sharing, performing, and living communally with one another while engaging with the Israeli art community.
pOnderosa on the road will organise and facilitate workshops, discussions, classes, and performances. Our collective aim is to experience a cultural and energetic exchange with the local creative people and institutions and to create a program that emphasises collaborative processes and community, welcomes diversity, and is accessible to many.
Colors are made of light; light is made of wavelengths; wavelengths are made of electromagnetic fields; and electromagnetic fields are made of movement - small particles, dancing with each other, bouncing off surfaces, entering eyes, penetrating brains, and flooding systems with the illusion of color.
Inspired by its wisdom and range, pOnderosa on the Road has chosen color as its unifying theme. We will offer 3 weekends, each one with different activities shaped by the primary color (blue, yellow, or red) that best describes the particular wave(lengths) we’ll be riding as we bounce off of each other, flood the systems of our bodies, and move together in new ways.
Februar 17-18 - First weekend Blue - Ein Shemer / Zichron Yaakov
Februar 23-24 - Second Weekend yellow - Kelim
March 2-4 - Third weekend Red - Kelim
Februar 17-18 - First weekend Blue - Ein Shemer / Zichron Yaakov
The adventure begins with Weekend Blue, which features workshops and a house performance. Radiating from the throat, blue builds community by fostering listening and expression. Its healing and calm energy will open a space for us to slow down, ground and nurture what is needed together.
Friday, February 17th:
At Studio Tena
13:30 - 14:30 - Nicola Bullock
14:30 - 15:30 - Lea Keiffer
15:30 - 16:30 - Cathy Walsh
16:30 - Driving to the house which we live in
18:30 - Potluck / group dinner ***
20:30 - House performacnes / Party / Sleep over ***
Saturday, February 18th:
Waking up together
Group brunch ***
Outside activity (weather dependent) ***
17:30 - Driving to studio Tena - Kibuts Ein Shemer
18:00 - 19:30 - Nicola Bullock - Body work into Jam-ing
20:00 - 23:30 - Dance Jam of Studio Tena
Februar 23-24 - Second Weekend yellow - Kelim
Moving forwards in time is Weekend Yellow. Our first weekend in Kelim brings two days of diving into the muscular and mental energy of yellow with events ranging from a BMC class to free community jams. Just as the sun signals the beginning of a day, yellow indicates excitement and spontaneity. It shines bright from the solar plexus, the home of confidence and joy. Yellow is known as an appetite stimulant, and this weekend will make us hungry for more.
Thursday, February 23rd:
10:00- 11:30 - Naama Ityel, Feldenkrais ***
12:00 - 15:00 - Shelley Etkin, ‘Decomposing Senses of Place’
15:00 - 16:30 - Break / Food
16:30 - 19:00 - Cathy Walsh, ‘Somatics:Exchange:Opposites:Dance’
19:00 - Dinner
** Movie / Jam / Open discussion ***
Friday, February 24th:
10:00 - 13:00 - Ayelet Yekutiel, ‘BMC- Fluids in Motion’
13:00 - 14:30 - Break / Food
14:30 - 17:30 - Nicola Bullock, ‘Movement Laboratory’
17:30 - Potluck together
** Jam / discussion / work presentations / movie ***
March 2-4 - Third weekend Red - Kelim
Foundational, galvanizing, passionate Red defines the activities of the last weekend. Weekend Red will raise your heart rate and stimulate your survival instincts as we move, create and prepare for Saturday night’s Performance Marathon. Generating fire in our root chakra, this weekend will have us ready to explode in expressions of the deepest self. Harnessed, this power is unstoppable.
Thursday, March 2:
9:30 - 10:30 - Morning class -Contemplative Dance Practice ***
10:30 - 13:30 - ‘Choreographic- Ecosystems and tuning the empathetic body’. - Stephanie Maher
13:30 - 15:00 - Break / Food
15:00 - 17:30 - ‘DE[P]UNK or the myth of alligators in azores’ - Bernardo Chatillon & Alicia Grant
17:30 - 18:30- Public discussion about artistic communities- Anat and Stephanie ***
Friday, March 3:
9:30-10:30 -Morning class - Queer Werkout -Nicola & Sarah ***
10:30 - 13:30 - ‘Choreographic- Ecosystems and tuning the empathetic body’. - Stephanie Maher
13:30 - 15:00 - Break / Food
15:00 - 18:00 - Axis Syllabus - Diana Thielen
18:30 - Dinner
20:30 - Performances - pOnderosa on the road artists ***
Saturday, March 4:
11:00 - 12:30 Morning class -Contemplative Dance Practice ***
12:30 - 14:00 Preparations for performance marathon ***
14:00 - Performance Marathon / Party / Hugs and See you next time ***
Find details about the artists participating in this trip here: http://www.ponderosa-dance.de/ponderosa-on-the-road.html
Prices ( Cash upon arrival - Prices does not inclde food)
*** Free entrance
First weekend Blue - 95 Shekels
Second weekend Yellow - 105 Shekel
Third weekend Red - 135 Shekels
Normal class - 30 Shekels
Class with Stephanie Maher - 60 Shekel
ALL 3 WEEKENDS - 300 Shekels
Looking forwards to the adventure and hope you will join us!
For more details and registration (in Hebrew & English):
WhatsApp: +49-178-8973753 or +972-54-4221314